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“What is going on in your innermost being is worthy of your whole love.” - Rilke 

After 3 decades of Coaching people through relationship issues, mentoring, teaching spiritual practices & supporting individuals to navigate life with more skill and “Grace” I’ve realized some very important things:


The inner journey never stops calling to us.


We are DESPERATE for safe places where we can be truly seen, heard & acknowledged as our beautiful, authentic selves. Where we can feel a sense of belonging.  Where we can sit as someone we trust holds “sacred space” for us, unwinding the knots in our hearts & heads and begin to explore on a deeper level who we are and all the questions that arise as we try and make sense of our hurting world, the paradoxes in life and why we are here.


Embracing the word “Elder” comes with the opportunity to share hard gained Wisdom. Wisdom that’s been acquired both painfully, through my own spiritual life journey and struggles along with Grace showing up, as it can, when we are confused and at the end of our understanding.  I offer these kinds of Wisdom sessions in 3 main areas, but we can always talk about what you’d like the “container” of our sacred space together to look like:




An individual who has traveled love's highways and had a vast array of relational experiences. They have explored the heights of ecstasy and the depths of suffering, and rather than turning away from the teachings at the heart of their experiences, they chose to remain in the fire until wisdom was birthed. They now bring their wisdom to bear on other's relational experiences, helping to support them as they navigate the challenges that arise in all forms of love connection. At the heart of their work is the belief that love relationship is a spiritual practice, a portal to divinity that must be nurtured with compassion and attunement if it is to bear fruit. In sharp contrast to the individual consciousness models long advocated by patriarchal thinkers, love elders advocate for the development of relational consciousness that will serve humanity going forward. They move from the belief that we are not just here together to keep each other company-we are also here together to show each other God. Their work is to support another’s efforts to deepen and sustain meaningful relationships. They are also relationships that cannot be sustained. They are ‘hearticulators’ extraordinaire.

 -J. Brown – Love It Forward


These sessions are focused on spiritual practices that enhance Self Love, Compassion & Forgiveness and the ways to begin extending that out into our intimate relationships including those we are dating, our partners, in our closest friendships and with family members. 




As a Corazon member and PNW Chapter Lead for the Modern Elder Academy, I’ve been trained in “Transition Management”……….a nice name for the same kind of “holding of space” for individuals going through a myriad of issues as they hit what we used to refer as the “midlife crisis” stage. 


As we reframe midlife from a crisis to a calling, we see opportunities for “reinvention”, a renewed sense of purpose and ways to begin creating more meaningful connection in our lives.  Having a partner to travel this path with and who’s been through all these same life “questions” that continue to arise is invaluable. We’ll explore who you are TODAY, what you’re deeply longing for, what “endings” are trying to get your attention and how fear and old ageism stories might be getting in the way. 


My role is to lead us though the blocks that arise, to ask artful questions that allow you to access your own inner wisdom and to use appreciative inquiry as a basis for that discovery.  What are you wanting out of your life now – at 40?  50?  60?  Beyond? There’s a whole next third of your life calling to you 😊




We are at a point in our world where it has never been more important to not only take our own personal development seriously, but to evolve our level of consciousness. More than ever now, people are realizing that the changes needed will come from committing to their own inner work, seeking out a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness to the whole and moving forward with daily mindfulness practices that keep a solid personal foundation under them. 


Personal Foundation Development


The Personal Foundation Work I’m passionate about is something I take almost every single client through during our time together.  Having these 3 key elements firmly under you can literally move a client from confusion, frustration, pain, overthinking and tolerating nonsense in their lives to an empowered, healthy, calm way of moving through the world:


  • Personal Honor Code

  • Clear Boundaries

  • Letting Go of the Need For Approval


Setting Up Healthy Spiritual Practices -vs- Spiritual By-passing


In both my role as a teacher for New Thought Spiritual Practitioner’s going through their training and as a Metaphysical teacher trained by Louise Hay, I saw early on that these powerful practices including compassion, forgiveness, acceptance & surrender could unfortunately get confused with toxic behaviors and what is known widely now as “spiritual by-passing.”  I have given key note addresses, worked with certified practitioners and held countless workshops to help those on the spiritual journey know the difference so they can experience the inner freedom that they are longing for.  Our time spent together will:


  • Work through any confusion around when / how to use spiritual practices in your own life or in your work with others

  • Clear out any by-passing that may have gotten in the way as you deepen your own work or with others

  • Understand the purest form of these practices, the power innately in them and beauty in showing up connected to your soulful self

  • Set up a daily spiritual practice that honors yourself, what you call “Spirit / God / Divine Source / Intuition / True Self / Higher Self and explore meditation as a path to listening to that “still small voice” for your own guidance




It is one of my greatest joys to travel the spiritual exploration path with you, listen to what’s calling to you on a soul level and to share my own Wisdom from 66 years on this planet.  May we both learn from each other as we embody these glorious insights, witness “surprising synchronicities” all around and feel the loving connection with have with every sentient being on this planet. 

“Live your life as if nothing were a miracle or everything is a miracle” - A. Einstein

"Our half day intensive was amazing! You offered the sacred space and support to go deeper with life-changing work like this. Today I woke up ready and excited, signed film contracts and feel energized for the first time in nine months. It’s like I just landed from being in a nine month personal Tsunami. And I am so happy to have my life back. Again, thank you for being my champion. It means the world to me.” 


- A. B., Documentary Filmmaker
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